Many women suffer from dry hair problems and not many are aware of dry hair causes. Many resort to temporary treatments such as chemical straightening and heat styling which damage the hair all the more in the long run.
The causes of dry hair are simple lifestyle related which can be easily rectified. The main cause for dry hair is that the natural oil in your hair is being ripped off totally and regularly.
Today we're talking about the common causes of dry hair, and ways to combat the dehydration to restore and bring life back to your hair this season!
Common Causes of Dry Hair
Your scalp isn’t making enough moisture
You brush your hair too often
Over-washing or using a harsh shampoo is stripping away your hair's natural oils
You are blow drying your hair too often, especially when you apply alcohol-based styling products first
You're using heated hair straighteners or curling irons too often
You are exposing your hair to lots of sun, wind, or dry air
The chemical treatments, including dyes, perms, and relaxers you're applying to your hair are drying out the moisture in your hair
You are using the wrong hair care products
You don’t nourish your ends causing dryness and split ends
Solutions to Resolve Dry Hair
Wash your hair less often to keep the natural oils in your hair
Use hair products that don’t have alcohol because it is drying
Use a mild shampoo made specifically to help dry hair because it will have fewer drying detergents
Massage jojoba oil or coconut oil into your scalp to replenish moisture
Condition your hair every time you wash it
Avoid flat irons, curling irons, and electric roller
Use protective hair products when exposing your hair to heat or sun
After you've tried these techniques, if your hair is still dry and brittle, talk to your Altered Images Hair & Beauty Hair Stylist about your concerns. We'll be happy to talk to you about your hair quality, what concerns you may be having, and provide expert advice on ways to combat dryness!